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Italian Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. question, issue, matter, point
     2. n. argument, quarrel
     1. pron. (formal) alternative case form of la (you)
     2. art. the
     3. pron. (accusative) her, it
           La vedo. - I see her.
     4. pron. (accusative, formal) you (term of respect)
           La vedo. - I see you.
           Scusi se la disturbo. - Sorry to bother you.
     5. n. (music) la (musical note)
     6. n. (music) A (musical note and scale)
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of avere
     2. interj. ah! (usually ironic or sarcastic)
          1. v. to have
                Avevo un'anima. - I used to have a soul.
                Ho una macchina. - I have a car.
                Ho diciassette anni. - I have 17 years.
          2. v. (auxiliary) to have
                Ho fatto un errore. - I (have) made a mistake.
          3. n. property, substance
          4. n. (in the plural) belongings
          5. n. credit, assets
          6. n. swag
     1. adj. feminine singular of adjective preso
     2. n. (sports) grip, hold, grasp, grip
     3. n. capture
     4. n. pinch (small quantity)
     5. n. socket (electrical socket)
     6. v. feminine singular past participle of prendere
     7. v. past participle of prendersela
          1. adj. (of person) busy, taken up, preoccupied
          2. adj. (of thing) taken, occupied
          3. v. past participle of prendere
     1. prep. in
           Ho qualcosa in tasca. - I have got something in my pocket.
           Partirò in primavera. - I will be leaving in spring.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I'm in fifth grade of elementary school.
     2. prep. to
           Sono andato in panetteria. - I went to the bakery.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I go to fifth grade of elementary school.
     3. prep. into
     4. prep. by
           Vado a scuola in autobus. - I go to school by bus.
     5. prep. on
           Ho messo un cappello in testa. - I put a hat on my head.
           Metti il pane in tavola. - Put the bread on the table.
     1. adj. feminine singular of primo
     2. adv. before
           Pensa prima di parlare. - Think before you speak.
     3. adv. once, formerly
     4. adv. beforehand, in advance
     5. adv. earlier, sooner
     6. n. the first
     7. n. an opening night; a premier
     8. n. the first year at school
          1. adj. first
          2. adj. initial
          3. adj. main, principal
          4. adj. (mathematics) prime
                numero primo - prime number
          5. n-m. first, first one
          6. n-m. initial one
          7. n-m. main one, principal one
          8. n-m. former (first of aforementioned two items. Used with the, often without a noun)
          9. n. (culinary) (clipping of primo piatto); first course, starter
     1. n. person, people, persons
     2. n. someone, somebody, anybody
     3. n. body, figure
     4. n. (law) person, body
     5. n. (psychology) persona
prima persona
     1. n-f. (grammar) first person
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